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Flint Knapper's Forum:
In an effort to meet Flint Knapper's needs we put a Flint Knapping Forum on our web site. Take a look at the new forum and post any comments or questions you may have.


Take a look at the list of events we are attending for 1999. We would love to have you stop at our demonstration booth this year!

Past Events:
Complete Past Shows List
NEW! 1999 Great Trail Festival - Week 2
NEW! 1999 Great Trail Festival - Week 1
1999 Mohican Pow Wow
1999 Wilcat Park Pow Wow
1999 The Old Fort Stuben Festival

e-mail us
Send us smoke signals via e-mail

1999 Great Trail Festival
Week 1
see week 2

Here's a few pictures from the 1st of 2 weekends at The Great Trail Festival in Malvern, OH. Several artisians demonstrated acquired skills including candle making, basket weaving, wood carving, gun smithing and of course flint knapping. I had many interesting and informative conversations with those interested as we shared our knowledge about times past and the paleolithic people.

To get things started, here I'm "warming up" so-to-speak by pressure flaking a 2.5" arrowhead.

(click image to see large photo)

As I'm busy in the demonstration ring, Sharon readies herself for the days activities by meeting a member of the bagpipers.

(click image to see large photo)

Buckskinners today find great pleasure in reliving yesterday by setting up primitive camps using traditional materials and dressing in period costumes.

(click image to see large photo)

As we strolled through camp in the morning I took the opportunity to take a photo of Sharon poising in the buckskin dress she made.

sharon in morning
(click image to see large photo)

A popular attraction (next to the flint knappers) at Great Trail is the gun shop. Watch the men as they demonstrate the barrel rifiling, lock inletting and stock shaping to produce such fine pieces.

gun smiths
(click image to see large photo)

Much of our site has been redone. If you notice a link that doesn't work or an image that is missing please let us know of the specific problem and we'll correct it as soon as possible.

Thank You!

Check out our Products page for handmade tips by Dan Minard from Woodland Originals.

Place an order by calling 330-854-2129

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Webmaster: Mike Minard